Monday 22 July 2019

Here's What the Color of Your Bedroom Reveals About Your Personality


Colors can hold tons of hidden meaning from a decorating perspective. Red, for example, is often used to stimulate hunger, blue is seen as a calming color, and yellow is supposed to make us feel happier. Our preferences of these colors can reveal a lot about our own personalities, specifically when we use them to adorn the walls of our personal sanctuary: our bedrooms. What color you paint your bedroom can reveal a lot about who you are, and so can the shade, saturation, and brightness of each hue. So what does your bedroom color reveal about you?

Yellow is luminous and warm and so are the people who prefer it. They love innovation and originality

Shades of the purple family are usually preferred by those who have a highly creative streak, and Lilac lovers aspire for uniqueness but lean to the more sentimental, softer side of purple.

Blue lovers are totally dedicated to the color. If deeper blues are your favorites, you prefer the shades that feel like the

descending twilight hours—quietpeaceful and thoughtful."

Light Blue
Lighter blues are always associated with the sky and water—clean, clear, open and expansive would describe the way you like to feel in your surroundings.


Teal blues have a tad more sophistication because of their depth. The person who prefers this color likes the complexity [of it], as it shows personality elements that combine both green and blue traits.



Red demands attention, and so does the lover of red. It is dynamic, impossible to ignore, impulsive and extroverted—traits that could very well describe the person who is drawn to this intense and passionate shade.



Even though pink is descended from the 'mother color' of red, it is less ardent and demanding of attention and more inclined to romance and tenderness—the perfect description of a pink lover's proclivities.



Green people love nature’s most ubiquitous and versatile shade. It is the perfect equalizer between warm and cool tones, and in the presence of green, they find the balance they always strive for.


The person who prefers gray seeks safety and security by choosing this most neutral of all colors. Gray doesn’t demand or always need the promise of excitement, but does crave contentmentand stability.
Orange lovers work and play hard, are adventurous and enthusiastic. In spite of the inherent energy in orange, the people who love this amiable shade are more agreeable than aggressive.

The lightest version of brown, beige is imbued with a certain sense of substance and stability. Beige lovers appreciate the subtlety of the color, enjoying the soft imparts.



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