Tuesday 30 April 2019

22 Tips to Get Organized


While I try to keep things pretty organized all year long, there’s just something about spring that pushes me into high gear and motivates me to organize and purge everything!
If you’re feeling the same way, here are 22 simple ideas to get you started!

1. Initiate monthly purges.

This list is not in any specific order; however, I did put Monthly Purges first for a reason. I’m a HUGE fan of regular maintenance, and monthly purging is a great way to stay on-top of your clutter. 

2. When in doubt, throw it out.

…my favorite phrase whenever I’m questioning something. If I don’t love it, need it, use it, or want it — I throw it out!

3. Focus on one room / area at a time.

Work on one specific area and don’t stop until that area is finished. You will most likely find several items that don’t belong in that area, but simply put them in a box or bin and deal with them later. If you leave the space to put those items away, you’ll probably get distracted and overwhelmed with too many projects.

4. Find a system that work for you — there is more than one right way.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly what system will work for you…but just keep trying. Staying organized will be SO much easier when you find the right system for you and your family — I promise!

5. File your papers.

Ok, so I’m obsessed with organizing and filing our paperwork, but only because I know how much easier it is to find everything I need, when I need it. Plus, it took me about 15 minutes to round up everything we needed to do our taxes!

6. Make a place for clothes that needs to be fixed.

Just this past week I had 4 buttons come off different coats and shirts. I didn’t have time to sew them on right away, but I also didn’t want to lose the buttons or simply put the items back in my closet. So I put them in a basket near my sewing stuff so I can fix them when I have time.
If you bring your items away to be fixed, then put that basket or bag in your car and bring it away the next time you’re out.

7. Go through one box, shelve, drawer, bin, cabinet at a time.

When we moved, I really wanted to unpack as quickly as possible so I started going through all the boxes at the same time. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything, and our house was pure chaos! I quickly realized that it would be much easier to focus on one box at a time. Before I knew it, all the boxes were empty!

8. Don’t let your emotions win.

As you set out to purge and get more organized, try to leave your emotions out. If you have trouble with this, ask a non-emotional friend to help you out!

9. Make your bed — every day!

Want 10 reasons why?
1. A nicely made bed usually prevents you from going back to bed and wasting valuable time!
2. It gives you a sense of accomplishment first thing each morning.
3. It’s a great way to show off your bedding, which you probably paid good money for.
4. It makes your room look so much more inviting than if you leave it unmade.
5. It INSTANTLY de-clutters your room — even if there’s a bunch of clutter in the closet or under the bed.
6. A “made bed” provides a great surface for folding laundry or other tasks.
7. You can make your bed even if you’re half asleep — and you just might be!
8. It’s a great habit to model for your children {who should also make their beds}
9. It prevents dust and dirt from getting under the covers.
10. It’s a quick and easy way to simplify and organize the year ahead! 

10. Do a few minutes every night before bed or every morning before work.

Seriously, 15 minutes a day will add up to over 90 hours in the course of a year. Do you need more convincing?

11. Tackle your junk drawer.

If you’re like me, you open your junk drawer several times each day {yes, I have a junk drawer…but it IS organized} And since I open that drawer often, it feels great to open an organized drawer every time!

12. Make to-do lists every day.

I almost always “map out” my day the night before. 

13. Get your family involved.

Even small children can help — and most times, they will be more likely to KEEP things organized if they are involved in the process. Make it a game and offer rewards. 

14. Keep a basket in your car for car clutter.

I keep a small basket in the front seat of my car and carry it in the house every time I get home. I empty out the trash and clutter and then fill it with anything that needs to go back into the car the next day.

15. Barter with a friend.

Make organizing fun by working with a friend. She helps you, you help her, and then you both go out for coffee afterward!

16. Use organizing containers you already have.

Organizing does NOT have to be expensive. Get creative and think outside the box… literally! You probably have a bunch of unused organizing tools lying around your house. They just need to be re-purposed.

17. Create a place for all your tax papers.

This does not have to be anything fancy. Simply designate a box, bin, drawer, or file for ALL this year’s tax papers. Then, when tax season comes around next year, you’ll be prepared!

18. Don’t let junk mail come into your home home.

Put a recycle bin in your kitchen…or better yet, in your garage and purge all junk mail BEFORE you set it down.

19. Deep clean one room each week.

Part of my spring “organizing” routine involves spring “cleaning”. I find that the easiest way for me is to go through one room or area each week. I dust, vacuum, move furniture, purge, and refresh the entire room and then I’m done for the week.Unless you live in a massive house, this should only take a few weeks!

20. Clean out your wallet and purse.

I actually just did this last night — and I almost always try to keep my purse very organized. It’s so nice to be able to find everything I need without digging and searching for several minutes.

21. Utilize your freezer.

During this busy time of year, it’s even harder to find the time to cook a meal every night. So I tend to rely on my freezer even more.
There are so many different foods you can prepare ahead and freeze, which will save you a bunch of time {and money} and still allow you to eat a healthy meal as a family.

22. Vow not to procrastinate!

Ok, it’s your turn. What are you going to do first??


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